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Why Is HTML Not A Programming Language?

HTML is not a programming language. It's a markup language. In fact, that is the technology's name: HyperText Markup Language.

HTML is not a programming language. You can't write a "program" that, say, calculates the average of ten numbers with HTML.

HTML is not a programming language, but rather a markup language.
reasons why developers call HTML a non-programming language:

here's the reason why html not a programming langusge.

1. No Logic Required

One of the main reasons is that unlike other programming languages, HTML is incapable of logic building. That means it's very limited to just a bunch of tags.

2. No Data type and Variable

HTML doesn't support making variables, which is one of the core features of probably all the programming languages.

3. doesn't support conditional statements and loop

HTML doesn't support conditional statements like if and else, which is one of the core features of probably all the programming languages I've ever known. It fails to compare values and make useful decisions out of it. I

Programming languages also have ways of executing instructions over and over again in loops. Loops, but html not support this feature.

4. HTML doesn't required compiler or interpreter

In HTML doesn't required compiler or interpreter to the execution the code. required only web browser. but another languges required compiler or interpreter for example : C, C++, Java , Python

5. HTML doesn't give any errors

This is probably something almost everyone hates & loves about HTML. Hates because it's so difficult to find the mistakes you have done into your hundreds of lines long code and loves because even if there's some mistake in a certain element, rest all the elements will be displayed on screen anyways. Now it's up to you to decide if you like this or not. However, giving reasonable errors is a good property of programming languages which we wish HTML also had.