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Profit and Loss Calculate in C

Hello Folks! In this Post, We will See How to Create a profit and loss calcualtor in c Programming

Here is a project we developed as mini project in C profit and loss calcualtor, it is complete and totally error-free.

This mini project in C Profit and Loss calculator in C programming allows to you perform calcualtion of Profit and Loss. you can enter price and calculate Profit and Loss.

This mini project in C Profit and Loss calculator in C programming allows to you perform calcualtion of Profit and Loss. you can enter price and calculate Profit and Loss. in C is a console application without graphics. The source code is complete and totallyerror-free. It is compiled in Dev c+++ compiler.

profit-loss-calcualtor-c is a very simple mini project in C that can help you understand the basic concepts of Var, arthmetic operators and decision making statement. This application will teach you how to calculate Profit and Loss.

Download Mini Project in C profit- loss-calcualtor-c with Source Code

Download Mini Project profit loss calcualtor in C